Love Skill #3 – Create Sacred Time Alone


Love Skill #3

Create Sacred Time Alone

By Dr. Scott Peck & Shannon Peck 


Sacred solitude
creates stillness for
inspiration & healing

Creating sacred time to be alone with yourself and Love, or your Highest Power, is a powerful and nurturing way of loving yourself.

In quietness and stillness, you can listen to your heart, reflect on your life, and receive guidance from the Highest Source, Love. In stillness, you find higher answers to your struggles. You get to know yourself more deeply and clearly. You experience peace.

Allow yourself to experience this right now.

As you create the opportunity for solitude, don’t worry about what to do. Simply enjoy the gift of this sacred moment. Use it to cherish yourself with tenderness and openness.

Set aside thoughts about all that is taking place in your life. Let stillness come into your heart. Be free of all judgment of yourself or others. Let go of what anyone thinks about you and how that affects you.

Let your heart open to its most reverent and highest place. Quietly accept into your thinking only thoughts that come to you directly from your Highest Self. Release your mind’s busyness and listen to your Source. Let Love flow through your entire being.

Be open to the presence of Love speaking in your heart with reassurance and insight. The realization of Truth dawns quietly in stillness.

Begin to reflect on your life, giving yourself generous opportunity to be present and open with your thoughts and feelings in a peaceful way. In this quietness, remember who you are and offer yourself generous love.
In this healing atmosphere, you may pull out your entire list of what needs to be healed – within yourself, with others, and with those who need your help – and listen for guidance.

Or you may find your thought turning to the world’s needs and offering compassion.

Or you may just enjoy the peace of the stillness.

It is not so important what happens in your sacred time alone, but that you experience this soul-soothing quietness frequently.

Daily moments of even short sacred solitude are enormously healing. The guidance and inspiration that unfold during these times of quietness uplift your spirit and enable you to walk into life more invigorated and with greater clarity, focus, balance, and compassion.

Taking time alone is not selfish – any more than eating for nourishment is selfish.

Sacred stillness is a soul necessity and giant way of loving yourself generously.


Love is with me right now,
opening the way for me to experience sacred time alone
so I can experience the full, healing depth of Love

Action Step

Create space in your day today, however brief,
for sacred time alone with Love

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Copyright (c) 2006-2017 by Scott & Shannon Peck