Love Skill #12 – Smile with Love


Love Skill #12

Smile with Love

By Dr. Scott Peck & Shannon Peck 


An open, generous, & loving smile
melts hearts

Whenever you let loose your beautiful, unrestrained smile with a heart full of love and soft eye contact, other hearts will melt in your presence.

It feels absolutely wonderful to receive the gift of someone’s open, genuine smile – even if it’s a stranger.

Through your smile, you feel connected at a soul level. Hearts connect. You feel refreshed. Something within you comes alive.

When you smile, the love in your heart becomes visible. The genuineness and warmth of your smile gives an assurance that all is well. One smile wipes out a world of loneliness, doubt, and fear.
Smiling does wonders for your own heart too. It brings happiness out of hiding. It causes the rich, highest you to become visible – even to yourself.

So why don’t we smile more? What would cause you to withhold the gift of your smile? Be aware today of anything that would talk you out of giving your smile. Consider the following story.

We have a large, close-up portrait of an elderly woman from Turkmenistan hanging in our living room. Her smile lights up our entire house. This beautiful, framed photo of her wide-open smile has been in our home, radiating love for more than 10 years. By world standards, she wouldn’t be considered beautiful. She is older, over weight, and even somewhat toothless.

Yet, her heart says it all! Scott took this candid shot on a tour of Central Asia. Little did this woman realize what her whole-hearted smile would mean to us. Her smile brings joy to our hearts every single day.
That’s the power of your smile too.

As you become more aware of the awesome power of your smile to bring joy and upliftment to others, this awareness brings greater sensitivity to the possibilities of this moment. What strangers will you encounter today in your life who need to feel your smile? What close friends are in need of the warm, loving assurance of your smile?

Practice being a Love Master today with your smile. Look for opportunities to say “I love you” to strangers just with your passing smile.

Pause now and connect with your inner heart. Allow it to unfold outwardly as a smile. Let your heart smile go out to the whole world. Keep smiling from your heart during this brief moment, until you know you have left your love imprint on everyone. Let your smile include everyone, even those you don’t particularly like.
This is what it feels like to think and live as a Love Master.

There is nothing sweeter about you than your open, beautiful, generous, and healing smile!

The entire world says “Thank you!”


Love is smiling, loving, & healing
through you!

Action Step

Let yourself come into Love Alignment
& the joy
of Love smiling through you
— on everyone

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Copyright (c) 2006-2017 by Scott & Shannon Peck