Love Skill #51 – Ask Love

Ask Love

By Shannon Peck 


As you become quiet and still,
tuning in to Love,
you become the knower of healing answers

You can ask Love for healing answers for anything and everything of concern in your life.

When you operate in partnership, you check in with your partner. Each partner brings the very best to each other. If you think your partner knows more than you do, it’s smart to ask questions of your partner so you can enjoy the benefits of this wisdom.

This is the opportunity you have with Love Itself. Consider Love (or Higher Power) to be your life partner. This Source is the sum of all the love that has ever existed. This same Source is your Love partner and an infinite resource to help you create and experience more love.

If you could ask Love anything right now, what would you ask?

For example, you could ask for understanding and direction in a relationship, comfort for a hurt you have experienced in the past, encouragement to go forward in more love, and guidance in how to do this. You can ask Love anything your heart desires or needs to know.

Pause a moment and ask Love something you would consider helpful to know.

Now that you have asked Love, how will you know Love’s answer?

Love has endless ways of communicating to you so you will receive and understand its healing answer. Love awakens thoughts, feelings, images, and mental pictures within you and offers immense divine influence for you to receive all the help you ask for.

We often miss Love’s answers because we forget to listen to Love for the answer even though we’ve asked Love a question. Yet we would never consider taking a road trip, asking for directions, and then neglecting to listen carefully for the directions!

Something unusual occurs when we ask Love for an answer. Since Love doesn’t have a human voice and doesn’t write us emails, we need to prepare ourselves to receive information in a new and higher way.

As you become quiet and still, tuning in to Love, you become the knower of healing answers. They may come through an inner feeling or a new understanding of things that you didn’t have before you asked. Or healing answers may come in the most surprising and unexpected way. Be assured, however, that every time you ask Love, you will receive an answer.

Asking Love also enables you to be prepared for difficult moments or situations because asking Love gives you instant access to Love’s power, protection, inspiration, and healing wisdom.

Your closest partner, Love, is always with you and tuned in to you with endless love. From this state of high Love alignment, you become a natural channel for healing – for yourself and for others.

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Copyright (c) 2006-2017 by Scott & Shannon Peck